My first update!!!
*sigh* finally I've decided
to update it after......8 months of not doing anything
to it since Alan passed it to me.
But now I've decided to start
working on it since our basketball season started.
Please keep checking back for
more update.
My last
Alright! As most
of you know that I (Alan.T) will not be in Joseph Fellowship
on Sept., and because of this, I would not be able to
update the "latest" about Joseph Fellowship
onto this homepage after this time. As a result, I will
be passing this entire site to Wesley Wong as my last
hope for this webpage producion!!
MGC have their own
official homepage it's at HERE!!
New stuff &
new Poll!
So how is
everyone doing after the retreat!!! Under the pressure
of Derek Ng, I had to make a new poll for this site!!!
Now, this month's new topic is:
So what do u really think of the retreat???
Here are the options for the poll:
-I Don't
(@ _@)
-Would rather have stayed home
-Good, but could have been better
-It was the best,
It Rocks!!!
** If you have other opinion
about our retreat you can post it on the message board!!!**
announcement is that,
our Joseph Fellowship QUEEN <<<Aunt Lydia>>>
has arrive at our MGC Joseph Message Board!!! She's asking
for the Aftermath of fellowship retreat!!!
If you have any opinion about this please again
post it on the message board... Thank you!!!
<<Now We are still waiting for the Joseph
Fellowship King to arrive...
We will never know when that will be!!!>>
MGC Site
-Latest MGC Joseph Retreat photos
-Update personal info
-Any picture and information related to MGC or our fellowhip
Activites result &
Retreat Schedule added & Retreat Teams!!!
It's either capture the
flag or play preditor and prey!!!
Retreat Schedule had been updated... It's pretty much
the final one I hope (cause I don't want to type up
another one)... Anywaz...
Here're the
Reatreat Teams !!!
Retreat: Growing in God's Family!!
Retreat Teams 
Retreat Activities

Retreat Timetable

-Retreat is on May 18-20...
-Sign-up fee is $50...
Joseph Retreat
Games idea!
Guess What !! Here's is
a chance to say what you want to do in Joseph Retreat
2001. There's half an hour of Team division and activities,
and half an hour of Icebreakers + games with team on day
2... Now I am suppose to be the one picking what we are
actually doing within that hour.. But now I will let you
pick and choose the activities you like...You are allow
to chose two and we will be playing the most popular game
on the day of retreat..
Or if you don't like the
games I chose games at all... you can post a message and
say what you think we should do at that time, plz put
every detail of how to play your game and what equipment
we need!!!
When you have your idea
ready.. post your idea on a message board... Thax.. and
this survey will be due on May 12, 01 by midnight...
thax again!!!
News... ...April